Monday, November 19, 2012

Portrait Drawing Tutorial

Hey all, wanted to post up a little tutorial I whipped up. Hopefully it'll help some of you struggling with the problem that has befallen me for so many years and one I continue to work on. Drawing faces, and in particular, female faces. As a dude, drawing girls came rather late into my artistic endeavors. Females don't often fit in with casts of eye-bulging zombies, pointy-headed werewolves, and grotesque space aliens. In recent years, I figured out that it was an important asset to further my artistic career.

So without further adieu, the tutorial.
For a high-res version check out the dA link:

As you can see, hopefully, I've become quite comfortable with drawing girls, and I enjoy drawing them. There's something relaxing about it.

Anyways, hope this helps, and hope it makes sense!

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