Sunday, November 11, 2012

Space Trilogy Covers

Alright, onto the art!

These are cover designs I did for audiobook versions of C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy, just for fun. For those of you who don't know about C.S. Lewis or his Space Trilogy, you're really missing out. Lewis, quite possibly the best writer of recent history in my humble opinion, is probably most famous for his acclaimed Narnia series. But, his Space Trilogy is easily my favorite of his work that I've read so far.The trilogy, without giving anything away, is basically a theological take on the science fiction genre.

*Spoilers may start here*

The trilogy begins with Out of the Silent Planet, which begins on Earth but eventually the setting is changed to Mars.

Next in the series is Perelandra, where main character Ransom is transported to yet another planet, Venus. What unfolds parallels the events of Genesis with a Venusian version of Eve, and Ransom fights desperately with an evil force to prevent another fall of man from happening like that on Earth.

Last is That Hideous Strength, which takes a sharp turn from the previous two books, as it takes place on Earth. In Britain, a bent organization is slowly emerging to take over, under the control of supernatural forces. Those trying to oppose the takeover employ the help of their own supernatural forces along with magical figures from the past to combat it.

This was rather outside my norm, as I'm more of a drawer than a graphic designer, but I had a lot of fun with these. Any thoughts or crits are more than welcome!

To go along with That Hideous Strength, I have drawn some portraits of some of the members of the organization of N.I.C.E.

'Til next time!


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